You’re faced with a decision.

It’s one that could affect your entire life or at the very least, affect an important aspect of it.

What do you do?

It’s understandable that we may not want to take chances and make a choice without making sure it is the right one

The biggest driver of the modern age is now self-realisation.
We have to make so many decisions now, but how can you make the one that truly serves your wants and needs if you don’t know yourself?

“When making a decision of minor importance, I have always found it advantageous to consider all the pros and cons. In vital matters however… the decision should come from the unconscious, from somewhere within ourselves.”

– Sigmund Freud

Did you know that it has been found that unconscious thinkers outperform conscious thinkers and immediate decision makers?

Rather than panicking, or going through an exhausting decision-making process, it is essential to take the time to connect to your inner self and really understand what it is your heart is longing for. By doing this, you can tune into that deeper knowing within yourself, so that you make a more mindful and aligned decision.

Take a few deep breaths and focus on the feelings inside your heart

Instead of focusing on the noise of the outside world and making decisions out of fear, pay attention to the inner guidance that your heart and soul are telling you. Allow yourself to listen, sit and be present in this inner silence, before coming to a conclusion.

The most meaningful decisions come from a place of presence, rather than rushing to figure out an answer. As the great author Kahlil Gibran said:

“To be still is to be alive.”

Instead of focusing on the noise of the outside world and making decisions out of fear, pay attention to the inner guidance that your heart and soul are telling you. Allow yourself to listen, sit and be present in this inner silence, before coming to a conclusion.

This pause is invaluable and allows us to discern from a space of intuition, rather than simply using our logic and intellect to come to a decision.

By getting in touch with our heart and understanding the longings within us, we can choose what feels right to us, instead of blindly accepting the conventional views.

And this is not just true for decision making
– it applies to every aspect of our lives.

Do you need that influencer endorsed
“lifestyle enhancer”?

Is it really just a habit to smoke or is it something that you can change?

Is the option that you’re scared to take really that daunting?

If we can spend just a little time to feel in our own hearts and minds before making any decisions, we will have an easier time navigating the next steps of our life. If you take the time to pause, connect, and pay attention to what your unconscious mind is telling you
– you can find everything you need.

So do you know yourself?

What does this make you feel?

Master new skillsets while developing
your mind and sense of self.